Kidney Foundation of Alberta hosts a fundraiser each year that challenges anyone who dares to march 100km over the course of three days. The participants range from kidney dialysis patients, donors, recipients and loved ones, as well as individuals devoted to raising awareness for kidney disease. Every time I have the opportunity to work with the Kidney Foundation's Kidney March I am overwhelmed with the amount of dedication the members of the Foundation have for this cause. I hope when you read this post you will take a moment to link over to the Kidney Foundation's site and learn a little more about the illnesses related to the kidneys. The biggest problem is that too many people ignore Kidney Disease because they think it is an illness that can be cured with organ transplants. Unfortunately, the number of donors out there is far lower than the number of people requiring a donation. After three days, the marchers arrived back in Calgary, a little worse for wear, but many of them had wide grins across their faces and you could tell they were feeling as though they had accomplished something important.
Brandie Sunley B.Fa, B.EdPhotographic Artist. Archives
October 2016